World Masonic Coin Solidus represents a masonic ideal, standing up for worldwide masonic projects, mostly, in the educational and healthcare areas. Implementing these projects, we will support young people access to better education and increase the quality of life. We believe that anyone has the right to receive better healthcare services.
World Masonic Coin Solidus purpose is to unite people together in working for a single goal, regardless of sex, color, wealth or his affiliation to a certain culture, religion or political opinion, in order to accomplish the masonic beliefs, being on the service of our Human Society and work without respite to the improvement of Mankind.
We are addressing to about 10 million free-masons, men and women, all over the world, but also to the millions and millions of other people who are co-sharing these high human ideas of Masonry.
We assure that this World Masonic Coin Solidus will be an extraordinary way to contribute to a better and more Humane World.
World Masonic Coin Solidus is the new crypto-currency that will be used to build a World Universal Masonic Hospital.
The World Universal Masonic Hospital will be situated in Europe and will be part of a bigger project, the first Medical City in the World. The first milestone of the project is at 100.000.000 $, and will represent the debut of this masonic project.
World Masonic Coin Solidus is now in Initial Coin Offering. The amount of coin issued is at total 33.000.000 WMCS.
The initial price of WMCS is 0.909 ETH (Ether).
After all the ICO stages conclude the WMCS will be launch in all the essential crypto-exchange markets.
World Masonic Coin Solidus is an Ethereum based crypto-currency.
Crypto-currencies are a form of digital money which allows you to make online purchases. Unlike regular currencies, they only live online and aren’t backed or controlled by banks and governments.
Crypto-currencies are decentralized and run by a network of computers instead of a single person or a company. The money you own is stored in a digital wallet you keep in the cloud or offline on a PC and can be sent to someone via a computer or a mobile device like a smartphone. Each transaction is recorded in what is called a block-chain environment that is publicly available to all currency holders.
One of the main advantages of crypto-currencies is that they provide anonymity. Although each transaction is recorded and displayed publicly, you don’t have to share your personal info such as a full name, address, and so forth when sending and receiving payments.
Doing business with crypto-currencies also has the advantage of being cheap. Although some fees might apply, they are minor and likely less than those charged by banks and other financial institutions.
The Masons
Thousands and thousands of years ago, people started to build various edifices, temples, pyramids, tombs, monuments, palaces, and later on, churches and cathedrals. Organized in “COLLEGIA”, these associations had never less than 3 members. Passionate, hardworking members with skillfulness and especially with the faith in GOD will later on be known as freemasons.
Chiefs of the states, Presidents, Kings or Emperors have been animated by the masonic ideals like: tolerance, freedom, equality brotherhood and peace based on human justice and people`s rights
The first mason President of the America, Brother George Washington, applied in his entire career his masonic ideal. And also so many others: Emperor Franz I of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire, Emperors of Germany Wilhelm I and Friederich III, King Frederich the Great of Prussia, King Leopold I of Belgium, Emperor Napoleon III, Kings of G.B. Edward VIII, George VI. Illustrious Presidents or crowned heads fought against the worst evils of humanity in every corners of the world: the poverty prejudice, ignorance and racism. President of Mexico Benito Juarez, Jose Marti from Cuba, King Victor Emanuel II of Italy, King of Afghanistan Habibullah Khan, Kings of Sweden Oskar II and Karl XV, Emir of Algeria Abdelkader, King of Jordan Hussain, President of modern Turkey – General Kemal Attaturk, President of Congo Pascal LISSOUBA, President of the first Republic democratic of Russia Alexander KERENSKY, President of Mexico – Benito JUAREZ, the leader of the independence wars of many Latin American countries Simon BOLIVAR, politicians like Italians leaders Giuseppe MAZZINI, Giuseppe GARIBALDI, King of Yugoslavia, Alexander II, King of Serbia Petar I, presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The freemasons have been the most ardent fighters against the slavery and injustice like the GeneralLafayette, the President Abraham Lincoln, the French Minister and writer Victor SCHOELCHER, the great leader Martin Luther King Jr. or the President Nelson MANDELA. In all the fields of human activity the ideals of the free masonry have been represented. Men or women enlightened by this philosophy give their best in the art, culture, science, technology, space conquest, sport…
We are addressing to the about 10 millions of free-masons, men and women, all over the world but also to the millions and millions of other people who are co- sharing these high human ideas of Masonry.
Consequently, for the first time from the launching of this extraordinary currency we, the Founders of WMC, are taking the oath that we shall use the benefits following our ideals and masonic philosophy and we shall publish every year a list of what we had realized concretely to accomplish these goals.
We assure that this W.M.C. will be an extraordinary way to contribute to a better and more humane World.
What is World Masonic Coin Solidus?
World Masonic Coin Solidus is a „internet currency”, decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency based on the Ethereum block-chain that enables you to easily send money online. World Masonic Coin sets itself apart from other digital currencies with an amazing, respected community of mason members.
What dose World Masonic Coin Solidus represent?
World Masonic Coin Solidus is a new crypto-currency and symbol, an investment opportunity for all.
Where can I use World Masonic Coin Solidus ?
WMCS will be used for crypto-trade.
What is the price of World Masonic Coin Solidus ?
The initial price of World Masonic Coin is 0.909 ETH.
Where can I store World Masonic Coin Solidus ?
You can use any ERC20 compatible Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, Ethereum Wallet, and more.
Can I contribute with fiat currency?
No. You can only buy Ethereum in exchange to fiat money, and then contribute with them.
What if I don’t have ETH or other crypto-currencies?
In order to participate in World Masonic Coin Solidus ICO, you should purchase Ethereum first. In order to do this, you should have ERC20 compatible wallet.
How do I buy Ethereum?
In order to purchase Ethereum, we’d recommend using one of the major exchangers that sell Ethereum for fiat or other crypto-currencies. For example: Coinbase, Bitfinex, EtherDelta, Binance, etc.
What is a Token Sale (ICO)?
An ICO (Initial coin offering) is a process in which a new crypto-currency project sells part of its crypto-currency tokens to early adopters and enthusiasts in exchange for money. That may be fiat money (real centralized currency, like $ or €) or other crypto-currencies. The ICOs provide a way for crypto-currency project creators to raise money for their operations. Most ICOs raise money in Ethereum or other crypto-currencies.
Can I transfer World Masonic Coin Solidus from worldmasoniccoin.com to my wallet during token sale?
Yes, after buying tokens you can transfer them to you ERC20 compatible Ethereum wallet.
When does World Masonic Coin Solidus sale start and end?
Private Masonic Sale (PSM) will start on 30.04.19 and will end 10.06.19
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) will start on 10.06.19 and will end 24.12.19
When will World Masonic Coin Solidus be listed on exchanges?
We are already in contact with top crypto exchanges. The token will be listed shortly after end of ITS once agreements are finalized.
What is the total supply of World Masonic Coin Solidus tokens?
The total supply will be 33.000.000 tokens.
Will there be any bonus during ICO stages?
Bonus offered during the ICO:
10% for >= 50,000 $
20% for >= 150,000$
33% for >= 350,000$
How can I be a strategic backer?
If you want to invest at least 500 ETH, please contact us at 33@worldmasoniccoin.com
Are the team members compensated?
10% of all tokens (3,300,000) will be allocated to the members of World Masonic Coin Solidus core team. Founder and Core Team Tokens vest for one year from the date they are allocated.
What is the World Masonic Coin Solidus smart contract address?
World Masonic Coin Solidus smart contract address is:
Private clinics play an increasingly important role in world healthcare. The number of hospitals and beds and the turnover of private healthcare service providers are rising, but the in the complex field of oncology private players in the market play a minor role.
The core idea of the projected is to establish a highly specialized, state of the art equipped and professionally run first level oncological clinic.
Target group of the private hospital are medium and high income patients in the catchment area in Europe.
The core idea of the projected private oncological centre is to establish a highly specialized, multidisciplinary, state of the art equipped and professionally run first level oncological and hematological private hospital.
• Basically the private oncological hospital will be open to all patients, regardless of their socio-economic background. Due to the fact that the cost of top-level equipment and high-end service quality cannot be covered just by reimbursements paid by the NHIH co-payments will have to be charged to the patients in order to reach cost coverage and a reasonable profit margin for the investors; if the NHIH revenues for high-end procedures applying CyberKnife or DaVinci Surgical System, will not be sufficient, the patient will be charged for the difference.
• An essential part of the concept is that no informal payments will be accepted by the physicians and other employees of the hospital.
Scope of services
According to the basic concept the range of medical services offered by the oncological center will be comprehensive.
• Bone marrow transplants (BMT unit with four beds for children and for adults)
• Pediatric oncological care (six beds)
Therefore the range of medical services will comprise
• Relevant tumor diagnostic services (radiology, nuclear medicine, core
laboratory and genetic laboratory etc.),
• Oncological surgeries on day care and on inpatient base
• Medical treatment services (chemotherapies, antibody therapies, etc.)
• Radiation therapies
• Bone marrow transplants
• Pediatric oncological care
• Palliative care (restricted to selected patient groups)
• Therapies shall be supported by physical therapy, psychologists, pain therapy and other medical services in the field of cancer treatment.
• The availability of advanced MT techniques will allow to participate in oncological studies and to generate additional revenues for the oncological centre.
Functional units
In order to meet the patients´ and employees´ needs and the requirements of process organization, the following functional units shall be realized in the oncological centre:
• Outpatient area
• Functional diagnostics
• Endoscopy
• Laboratory
• Pathology / autopsy
• Radiology including breast health centre
• Nuclear medicine (diagnostic / therapy)
• Operating theatre
• Radiation medicine
• Physiotherapy / ergo-therapy
• Regular care
• Intensive medicine
• Bone marrow transplant unit
• Day care unit
• Administration
• Social services
• Supply and disposal
• Research and teaching
• Supporting functions
Large scale MT equipment
According to the planned strategic positioning of the oncological centre state-of-theart MT equipment has to be provided. The quality of the MT equipment is crucial for the medical performance and for the positioning of the oncological centre in UE countries. The following devices are part of the concept:
• 2 CT systems (64 slices)
• MRI system (3.0 Tesla)
• 2 LINAC (linear accelerator)
• Stereotactic surgery system (CyberKnife)
• PET/CT system
• SPECT system
• Thyroid camera (small field camera)
• Robotic surgery system (DaVinci Surgical System)
Operation block
• 3 operation theatres (1 major OT, 1 standard OT, 1 procedure room)
• Holding area (pre- and post-surgery, 11 places)
• 1 gastroscopy
• 1 colonoscopy
• 1 bronchoscopy
• Incl. 4 places (out of 11 in the holding area) for follow up care (holding area shared with operation block, also for interventions in CT/MR)
Imaging department including breast health centre
• 1 MRI
• 2 CT (shared use with radiation medicine)
• 3 X-ray
• 1 fluoroscopy
• 1 mamma biopsy
• 1 mammography
• 2 sonography devices
Outpatient area and functional diagnostics
• 8 E/T rooms (shared use with day-care clinic)
• 3 rooms for functional diagnostics
• 1 room for psychology
• 1 conference room (shared use with day-care clinic)
• Sample collection (comb. with pathology)
• Core laboratory, clinical chemistry, haematology, tumour marker, genetic
laboratory and other special diagnostics
• Biobank and cooling units
Pathology / autopsy
• Sample collection (comb. with lab)
• Macroscopy incl. frozen section
• Histo/cyto laboratory incl. staining, screening
• Immune histology
• Molecular diagnostics (comb. with lab)
• Archive (blocks/sections)
• Immunological laboratory
• Genetics laboratory
• Morgue
Nuclear medicine diagnostics
• 1 PET CT
• 1 SPECT camera
• 1 small field camera (thyroid camera)
Radiation medicine
• 2 LINAC (simulator-CT located in radiology department; shared use)
• 1 E/T brachytherapy
• 1 E/T CyberKnife
Physiotherapy/ ergotherapy
• Rooms for physiotherapy / ergotherapy included in regular care wards
Staff on duty
• 3 on-call rooms (physicians)
Offices for doctors
• 11 offices
Regular care
• 1 conservative ward (48 beds)
• 1 interdisciplinary ward (48 beds, surgical and conservative beds)
• 6 single rooms for paediatric oncological care, thereof 67% with option for isolation
• 1 lounge room for children
• Each ward:
» 21 two-bed rooms (19+5 sqm) for 2 patients / 1 patient /1 patient + 1 attendant
» 6 single-bed rooms including option for 1 attendant (19+5 sqm)
» Decentralized facilities for admission/discharge
» 1 conference room (18 sqm)
» 1 E/T room
» 1 room for physiotherapy / ergotherapy
Intensive care unit
• 6 single rooms (25 sqm)
• 3 anterooms (12 sqm)
• Sluice (visitors) / changing rooms (employees)
• Spatial and organizational relationship with BMT unit
Bone marrow transplant unit (BMT unit)
• 4 single rooms with sluices and a separate infrastructure
• Spatial and organizational relationship with intensive care
Day-care unit
• 25 beds / places placed in:
• 3 six-beds-rooms
• 1 four-bed-room
• 3 single-bed rooms
• E/T rooms: shared use with outpatient department
• Conference room: shared use with outpatient department
• 1 room for the preparation of cytostatic drugs
• 3 anterooms
• 25 rooms for directors and administrative staff (5 single-person offices, 4 twopersons
offices, 3 four-persons offices)
• Rooms for paper archives and for scanning etc.
• Central room for server (included in technics)
• Library included in other rooms
Social services
• Reception / info point, shops, toilets, adjoining rooms, cafeteria incl. store
• Staff dining
• 1 oecumenical oratory incl. adjoining rooms
• 1 room for spiritual guidance
• Wardrobes for 340 lockers (including linen storage and sanitary rooms)
Supply and disposal
• Pharmaceutical supply: storage and commissioning incl. infusions; no GMPstandard; cytostatics: in-house-preparation in day-care clinic (no production)
• Sterile goods supply: unclean - clean (incl. packing) - sterile (incl. storage),
2 washing machines, 2 sterilizers, no external supply
• Bed cleaning and preparation: storage, repair for 10 beds (backup), no bed
washing facility
• Food supply: kitchen incl. preparation, regeneration, storage, cool storage,
disposal, rooms for staff, staff dining rooms
• Linen supply
» delivery (clean)
» collection (unclean)
» flat textiles: decentral
» staff clothing: central
» storage for containers
• Storage
• Maintenance and repair
• Disposal: waste categories I and III, in addition: covered spaces outdoor
• Cleaning service
• Housing and transportation
Research and teaching
• 1 conference room for 120 persons (separable into 2 conference rooms)
Accommodation of guests
• External guests (VIP medical doctors / guests)
• 8 rooms (4 larger, 4 smaller) + shared lounge
Basic characteristics of the site, urbanistic constraints and framework conditions:
• Surface of the site: approximately 20 800 sqm
• The site is located in a mixed use area, mainly used for commercial activities
(development plan is not available).
• Planning has to comply with regulations as to the distance from the main road and from surrounding buildings.
• Restrictions concerning the height of the building result from the civil and military flight radar of the Airport nearby located in the hinterland of the site.
• Utilities (water, electricity, sewage) will be connected over the main road.
General guidelines for hospital layout development mentioned hereafter have been followed in developing the functional layout of the hospital described in this section. Further optimization and adaptation of the layout to specific local constraints and needs will have to take place in a later phase of the planning process.
• It is crucial to allocate the functional units in a way that synergy is promoted by short ways for employees, patients and visitors between closely related functions.
• Functional units without specific inter-relationship shall be located on separate floors or in separate buildings in order to reduce inconveniencies and disturbances by "unwelcome" traffic.
• Internal goods transport shall be separated from circulation areas for persons (corridors, staircases and lifts) as well as possible.
• The functional and architectural concept shall be flexible, making later internal and external extensions and re-arrangements of functions possible without losing functionality of the facility.
The investment cost has been calculated under the condition of 34 months duration of execution, on turnkey base incl. design services for all execution phases, project management,, civil construction works, finishing works, exterior works, mechanical and electrical works, medical gas systems, IT systems, medical and non-medical equipment, training and commissioning and the necessary key experts like structural engineering, safety & security, quality control, mechanical & electrical, medical gas, fire protection, medical experts for radiotherapy, diagnostics etc..
• Total investment costs include also the project development costs as well as the estimated needed working capital.
• Positions not included in the investment cost estimate:
» Cost for site development (e.g. sewage network, water supply, gas supply, power supply, communication network and other required infrastructure for the requested quality and quantity up to the border of the plot)
» Risk of poor soil condition and contamination of the plot
» Taxes, duties, permits
» Duration for obtaining the required permits (e.g. building permit, operation permit etc.)
• Price basis: 2015
Based on above mentioned conditions the turn key price has been calculated as follows:
Basic Parameters for Profitability Analysis
• Period of observation: 2016 - 2035
• Planning and preparation period: 2016 – 2018
• Operating period under observation: 2019 – 2035
• Implementation period: 2019 – 2022
• Index (expenses and revenues): 3% p.a.
• Currency unit: Euro
• VAT: deductible; net values
• Personnel parameters